health and safety
our commitment to health and safety

At the Chevron Pasadena Refinery, we pursue Operational Excellence in managing workforce safety and health, process safety, reliability and integrity.
Our work is guided by two key principles: do it safely or not at all and there is always time to do it right. We have developed a culture based on these principles, which is the foundation of our business success. Everyone in the workforce contributes to our safety culture by meeting expectations and fulfilling responsibilities. For example, all employees and contractors at the Chevron Pasadena Refinery have both the right and responsibility to exercise Stop-Work Authority. They can stop any operation, without any repercussions, if they believe people or the environment are in danger.

workforce safety and health
The Chevron Pasadena Refinery provides a safe and healthy workplace for employees and contractors. From advanced technology monitoring to nationally recognized employee and contractor training, eliminating fatalities and preventing serious injuries and illnesses is our most important work.

process safety, reliability and integrity
The Chevron Pasadena Refinery manages the integrity of operating systems through design principles and engineering and operating practices to prevent and mitigate process safety incidents. We execute reliability programs so that equipment, components and systems perform their required functions across the full asset life cycle.
We prioritize, plan, schedule and complete necessary maintenance for all structures, equipment and protective devices. Safely maintaining equipment is critical to support reliable operations.