emergency preparedness

Chevron Pasadena Refinery personnel exercise forward thinking by constantly monitoring our process units to identify what could go wrong, such as mechanical breakdowns, and what the impact might be. In addition, we maintain regular contact with state and local agencies and work with them to conduct large-scale emergency drills.
emergency response team
The Chevron Pasadena Refinery’s on-site fire department (Plant Protection Group) is equipped with state-of-the-art response equipment and staffed by firefighters who conduct regular training for the refinery’s Emergency Response Team (ERT).
In addition to our fire department, the Chevron Pasadena Refinery has a group of employees specially trained to respond to large-scale incidents in coordination with fire department staff. These individuals come from all divisions of the refinery, and understand not only the processes of their respective work areas but how to respond to emergencies.